
Rodeo Events

The events of the Rodeo are exciting and fast paced, but the speed can make it a little hard to discern what is going on and why. Here is some information about the basics of the more popular events to help clarify any questions. Curabitur ut sem ac augue dapibus cursus. Praesent tempor tristique congue. Nam urna est, scelerisque sit amet ultricies ac, volutpat sed nunc. Praesent tristique luctus sapien, vel vehicula metus mattis nec.

Tie Down Roping

Formerly known as calf-roping, this event originated with the need to capture sick or injured calves in the herd for treatment.cowboy tying up a calf Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed lacus turpis. Curabitur ut sem ac augue dapibus cursus. Praesent tempor tristique congue. Nam urna est, scelerisque sit amet ultricies ac, volutpat sed nunc. Praesent tristique luctus sapien, vel vehicula metus mattis nec.

Saddle Bronc Riding

cowboy on a  bucking horse with a saddle

In this classic event, the rider must ride a bucking horse using a special saddle and a woven riding reign that is attached to the horse's halter. This event in particular has a lot of stringent rules and is considered one of the most difficult events to master.

Team Roping

 calf roping

Team Roping requires two contestants on horseback. They work together to rope a calf that is running loose. The first contestant tries to rope the head or horns and the other contestant tries to rope the calf by the hind legs.Curabitur ut sem ac augue dapibus cursus. Praesent tempor tristique congue. Nam urna est, scelerisque sit amet ultricies ac, volutpat sed nunc. Praesent tristique luctus sapien, vel vehicula metus mattis nec.

Barrel Racing

This classic event has a rider guide their horse around an arrangement of barrels in a clover leaf pattern.cowboy racing around a barrel on a horse
If they accidentally brush against a barrel, the rider can try to keep it from tipping over. Curabitur ut sem ac augue dapibus cursus. Praesent tempor tristique congue. Nam urna est, scelerisque sit amet ultricies ac, volutpat sed nunc. Praesent tristique luctus sapien, vel vehicula metus mattis nec.